School Supplies
UPDATED FOR 2024-2025
Below are the school supply lists for this year. If you are unable to locate or provide the necessary school supplies, please contact your child's school. We have many community partners who provide school supplies for children who are unable to bring their own.
Amazon Shopper?
We've compiled Amazon lists that contain the various supplies listed below to make it easy for you to build your cart and go! The items on these lists are just examples and suggestions; caregivers are free to buy other brands or styles!
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Colonial Heights High School does not supply a school supply list due to the unique needs of each course at the high school level. High school teachers typically provide supply lists to students and their families through open houses, orientations, Canvas announcements, emails, or other methods. We recommend bringing basic supplies such as a notebook, a writing utensil, wired headphones, and your Chromebook on the first day if you have not yet received supply lists.
Optional Supplies
If students desire to use them regularly, they may bring in their own wireless keyboards and/or computer mice. These are not provided by the school division outside of SOL testing. Students are responsible for labeling and taking care of these devices.